Learn Korean words and phrases

by Le Van Hung



"Learn Korean words and phrases" include over 1900+ words with 42 categories(Feelings, Animals, Sports, Music, Office, Beverages, People...) serve the purpose at tourists and business people visiting Korean. "Learn Korean words and phrases" include over 1800 phrases with 100 categories (People, Family Members, Getting to know others, At school, Countries and Languages, Reading and writing, Numbers, The time, Days of the week, Yesterday – today – tomorrow, Months...) help you to quickly learn and use Korean as a foreign language in various situations (e.g. in a hotel or restaurant, on a vacation, small talk, getting to know people, shopping, at the doctor, at the bank etc.). successfully "Learn Korean words and phrases" combines audio and text for effective language learning. Flash Cards will help to remember words longer.Especially, "Learn Korean words and phrases" can support more than 50 languages. That means you can learn Korean when you are American, German, French, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, etc....All of them is FREE but require internet for audio.